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UNESCO World Heritage Site


Set in a valley surrounded by low mountains, Sucre was an enjoyable place to visit. My family and friends things I’m crazy for saying this as it was the place in South America where I was pick-pocketed, robbed & contracted giardiasis (a parasitic infection) which a week later led to my admission to hospital. But my […]

Valparaiso, Chile

I’ve spent two nights in Valparaiso which is a really interesting city. It’s made up of cobbled streets, tiny passage ways, a maze of steep alleys and escaleras (stairways) and crammed full of eclectic mansions which all seem to require some maintenance.  Every house is painted a different colour, as if trying to be brighter than their neighbour. […]

Incredible Iguazú

After spending a week in the incredible Buenos Aires I booked an 18hour bus to see the Iguazú Falls. The bus was excellent I booked a ‘Cama’ seat (means bed in Spanish) which was similar to a 1st class airplane seat. There are two seats on one side of the aisle and only one on the […]

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