I’ve spent a night in hospital in Copacabana due to severe hydration caused by a parasite I had contracted. I checked into a nice hotel and have slept the best part of two days but am feeling a lot better.
Copacabana is lovely, nestled between two hills and perched on the southern shore of Lake Titicaca, it is an enchanting town. It was for centuries the site of religious pilgrimages and it seems many people still visit it for similar reasons.
I’ve booked a trip to Isla del Sol which is a 1 1/2 hour boat road from the port. The island is really beautiful. I climbed a steep staircase to the top of the island which I didn’t hand well after barely eating for a week but it was worth it – the views of Lake Titikaka were incredible.
Lake Titicaca, straddling the border between Peru and Bolivia in the Andes Mountains, is one of South America’s largest lakes and the world’s highest navigable body of water. Said to be the birthplace of the Incas, it’s home to numerous ruins. Its waters are famously still and brightly reflective. Around it are national reserves sheltering rare aquatic wildlife such as giant frogs — Wikipedia